In 1992 our law office was founded in the heart of Neuss am Rhein by Mrs. Rechtsanwältin Helga Geerkens. In 1998 the law office was strengthened by Mr. Rechtsanwalt Ralf Frommen and in 2017 further strengthened by Mr. Rechtsanwalt and Diplom-Finanzwirt (Zoll) Axel Krause. We do not only work together within one law office but complement each other over our partially very diverse fields of law in which we are mainly consulting for over 20 years.
Based upon the diversity of our offered fields of law we consult besides private persons, small and midsized craft enterprises, freelancer, businessman also midsized and multinational enterprises out of Germany or from abroad. The main legal focus of Mrs. Rechtsanwältin Helga Geerkens and Mr. Rechtsanwalt Ralf Frommen lays on the field of inheritence law, family law, road traffic law, building law, tenancy law, immigration law and labour law.
The main legal focus of Mr. Rechtsanwalt Axel Krause lay in foreign trade legislation, German, European and U.S. export control law, embargo and sanction law, European and international customs law, German import VAT law, German excise duty law and German administrative law.
Rechtsanwalt Axel Krause speaks fluently German and English. In the following you will find information in both languages about his services.
In daily work we as Geerkens – Frommen – Krause (GFK) follow our maxim to serve our clients at best from all perspectives. Therefore our fundament is based upon the following principles:
We get to the point quickly for our clients, maintain high transparency in costs and consult on our main fields of law with more than 20 years of experience.