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Here you can find selected articles from diverse topics also in English language.

EU sanctions against Russia and the eighth sanctions package

On 6 October 2022, the EU put the 8th sanctions package against Russia into force.

I. Background to the eighth EU sanctions package

Russia thumbscrews are be tightened increasingly. The EU is responding to Russia's sham referendums in the occupied Ukrainian territories, the further mobilization of Russian troops and...

European Court of Justice ruling underlines the dilemma of EU companies due to the EU Blocking Regulation against US sanctions


The US imposes draconian penalties for violations of its extraterritorial and globally prosecuted sanctions or "agrees" in advance by "settlement" on certain measures in appropriate cases (fines, external supervisors, personnel changes in management, etc.). The high risks that this can entail for EU-based companies are unfortunately as real as...

Export control and Startups

For German startups, the same rules apply in the form of German laws and EU regulations as for all other companies. This also applies to the scope of application of the so-called  "export control". The term export control is in so far misleading as its complex rules already apply before...

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