Drususallee 84
41460 Neuss
02131 – 277 119 (RA Krause)
European Customs Law, U.S. Customs Law and International Customs Law

European Customs Law, U.S. Customs Law and International Customs Law


The European Union is a customs union with a common customs tariff and a uniform customs code for imports and exports from countries outside the EU. The respective customs authorities of the EU member states administer on the legal basis of the EU Customs Code (UCC) all EU im-/exports and customs transits. Formal mistakes in customs clearance processes have different consequences, like e.g. subsequent duty assessments, fine procedures, suspension of customs authorizations, more frequent customs audits, bad customs rankings, slower customs clearances etc. I guide you with pleasure through the jungle of these complex European regulations and represent you outside an in courts over all instances. Besides my legal capabilities my consulting services also benefit from experiences made as a former German customs inspector and from being the long standing global head of trade within a multinational DAX listed company.

With pleasure I would like to consult and represent you in any customs matters, for instance in the following areas:

  • Customs tariff classification (which duty rate is applicable, etc.)
  • Customs duties and EU import VAT (appeals, refund applications, etc.)
  • Free Trade Agreements (FTAs, reduced customs duties for originating goods)
  • Customs audits (preparation and follow up, accompanying)
  • Customs valuation (determining the value for the applicable customs duty rate)
  • Customs procedures (clearance for free circulation and special customs procedures)
  • Appeal and court procedures against duty assessments
  • Authorized Economic Operator (AEO, for customs and/or for security issues)
  • Prohibitions and restrictions (e.g. protection of species, pharmaceuticals, etc.)
  • Consequences of customs law violations (administrative and criminal penalty procedures)
  • Self-disclosures (evaluation, preparation, follow-up)
  • Administrative and criminal penalty procedures (legal representation under duty of confidentiality)

Beyond the European customs laws and with the support of my network of specialized lawyers and consultants I also offer my services in regard of U.S. customs laws. In case you have any questions in regard of customs laws in any other country of the world to which you are exporting please feel free to contact me.

Let us work together